Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is painting dead? #2

In the past two decades, most "advanced" commercial galleries and museums have focused on everything but painting. These bastions to art were over-flowing with installations, photo-based work, conceptual art, new media, digital and video art. But all has changed; exhibitions, art theory, and the art-market have witnessed in the past few years a resurgence of painting.

As is the nature , from time to time in the art world, activities such as painting have been poorly valued in relation to other visual arts disciplines. The demise of painting claim has been postulated at regular intervals since the middle of the 19th century when, in response to the rise of photography, the art critic Paul Delaroche declared, "from today painting is dead". Within a broader context G.W.F. Hegel asserted "art is, and remains for us, on the side of its highest destiny, a thing of the past", for Malevitch it was specifically tied to the destruction of the subject, whilst Rodchenko, referring to his three monochrome canvases of 192 concurred, "this is the end of painting, "These are the primary colours. Every plane is a discrete plane and there will be no more representation". and for Duchamp, it was about overcoming "the retinal". In more recent times (since the 1970s) this notion that "painting is dead" has become an insistent refrain from some artists, academics and critics; however, this notion does not amount to the extent that others imagine. The implicit assumption that painting has died is a fallacy. Throughout these debates (and despite the ascendancy of installation art, performance, photography, video and computer technology) painters continued to paint and paintings never vanished.

A plethora of "isms" abounded during the 1960's, and into the 1970's in the USA, and within European counterparts. These decades presaged a fundamental change in thinking about art. Major shifts occurred, not only in artistic spheres, but also in the cultural sphere of intellectual theory.. the time was ripe, and Marcel Duchamp's subversive ideas found a willing audience. The anxieties of the time (1960's and 1970's) condensed most specifically around what it meant to be a painter, and the dubious spectre that anyone could be an artist and anything could be art. Not surprisingly, the traditional notion of applying pigment to a surface, and art in general, as a specialist craft broke down.

In course of any art movement, the passage of time and its very success renders the radical insight routine, as formally exciting discoveries became natural and familiar features of the landscape. Beginning as radicalism and visionaries, their success exposes them to the danger of becoming the orthodoxy, if only to their own members, with their own structure of deadening conformity. However, despite this state of affairs, that did not mean artists stopped painting during the 60's and for much of the 70's, artists that had appeared to drop out during this time continued to paint, independent of fad and convention, and as we shall see, they were to come back with a vengeance.

Beginning in the late 1960's, new directions in art emerged and merged - diverse post minimal styles, pattern and decoration painting, and new image painting. The 1980's brought other new tendencies; neo-expressionism, media, deconstruction, and commodity art. In response to these challengers artists aimed at restoring the credibility of painting on canvas undertook a variety of strategies and styles. Eclecticism and appropriation of past styles became common in paintings; as well, paintings were generally on a monumental scale, and highly gestural with expressive brushwork.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

OHS Video - The Chair

Well here is the last part of the Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) modual that I had completed....The subject is the chair in an office/computer work station environment. It is also the last of the subjects for this semester.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Design # 5

This is the final design for the Web Page Project.

Design # 4

This is a further example of my work, and is part of the series related to the Web Page Project, as seen below.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

OH&S Certificate

This certificate is in recognition that I had completed the required modules in OHS.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

3eyes4 Graphix Advert # 3

Here is the latest graphic design for my Web page (see below)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

About Us Page

This design is the latest installment connected to the web page design as described below.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Major project-Selling TAFE

"The Concept: Use digital video for online marketing. The Aim: To use a range of digital media to produce a video to market real estate and deliver the video via the Web". This has been a three week project with the aim of incorporating all our learnt skills. The project as stated in the aims is to market real estate, the real estate in this case is to sell the TAFE building. The soft I used to make this video include; Camtasia 3, Windows Movie maker, Windows Photo Story, Photoshop, Powerpoint and Audacity. It certainly has been a fun project, despite the many glitches in its production. Anyhow enjoy.

TAFE SALE PROJECT from klyza-bill on Vimeo

Monday, May 28, 2007

POSTER #2: "Life is Pain"

As stated below this poster is the first of the 'content' part of my assignment. I wanted to play with text and obtain a psuedo wood cut-effect. I think I pulled it off!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Web Design: Home Page

This image is the first part of an assignment: the brief was to design a web home page using photoshop. This page has a roll over function that would display pop-up images of further designs, such as posters, book jackets, web design and adverts. Currently this work is in progress and will be displayed here when each component is completed.

Postmodernism: A screencast for the beginner

Have you wondered what is postmodern art??? Your not alone. But, no worries, you don't need to have a university degree to understand, all will be explained in this screencast of a recent powerpoint presentation that I gave at TAFE, so sit back and enjoy.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Anselm Kiefer - Podcast

Anselm Kiefer is regarded as one of the most important and influential artists working today. The exhibition now showing at the Art Gallery of NSW reveals some of the themes that Anselm Kiefer is currently exploring in his studio in France. One of these themes appears as a room dedicated to Palm Sunday, with painting and sculpture, using mixed media such as date palms, thorns, clay and red oxide. The second is a floor piece donated by the artist that represents a heavenly emanation, like a meteor shower that has landed on earth, consisting of slivers of glass each inscribed with the number of an astronomical entity. Anselm Kiefer Showing now: 19 May - 29 July 2007, Level 2 Contemporary Projects Space, Art Gallery NSW.

The main purpose here is to present an overview podcast on Kiefer's achievements.

powered by ODEO

A Screencast Tutorial: adding action buttons

A screencast is a screen capture of the actions on a user’s computer screen, typically with accompanying audio. In the same way that a screenshot is a static representation of a computer screen at a point in time, a screencast captures what happens on a monitor over a period of time. The audio track can be the sound from an application being demonstrated, a narrative from the presenter, or background audio from another application. Screencasts can be produced in various formats, and users generally watch them streamed over a network.

The screencast presented here is a powerpoint tutorial that shows the steps in adding action buttons to your presentation. This allows via a hyperlink to navigate to any given location.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Poster (ii)

The brief for this promotional poster was related to music. A venue, band or event was thus feasible. The one stipulation was that the poster should contain some design element related to Kandinsky. I choose a local venue; The Lansdowne Hotel which has live music on Wed - Fri of each week. Any feed back on this design would be welcome.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Monthly Quote

Creativity takes courage.. The effort to see things without distortion takes something like courage and this courage is essential to the artist who has to look at everything as though he saw it for the first time. (Henry Matisse)

Monday, May 7, 2007


There are primarily two categories of drawing, the first kind can be termed objective because it owes much to theme.
Traditional or "classical" drawings are typical of this kind. They are essentially documentary records of things, or of moment, or of landscape. The subject matter is treated descriptively ranging from a minimalist line, to an elaborate rendition of the subject matter.

The second kind is expressional or subjective drawing. Here the artist attenuates or distorts or idealizes forms. This drawing "Julie" represents the second kind.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Is Painting Relevant?

The following piece is an extract from an essay I wrote, termed "Is painting Dead". The full version will be published at a later date.

Today's art may be as various as the world that surrounds it, and painting may now co-exist with a multitude of new media such as installation, performance, and digital, yet this multifariousness does not prevent artists of all generations from embracing the traditional medium with gusto. Painting continues to prove irresistible to artists and collectors alike. However, no matter how much artists diversify, there is something infinitely seductive about paint. Both in the cultural messages that it sends out and in the sheer transformative qualities of the paint itself to conjure up an extraordinary range of illusions and effects. There is no reason to suppose that the trend will stop.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Photoshop Tips

This audio presentation describes a step by step process of selecting and cropping images, using Photoshop CS2. Also, incorporated in the podcast is a short survey. The purpose of this survey is to help listeners recall and understand the instructions. Hopefully, this instructional podcast can be repeated in the future; depending on feedback.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


This video continues my experimental stuff. The animation represents the electron cloud around an atom. I tried to as close as I could to represent electrons as derived from math modelling. The second part of the video (The black background) I used artistic licence to visualize different aspects at the atomic level.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


This is one example from a series of bird prints that I produced last year. The title AVES is just the latin word for "bird" and the 1 refers to the first edition in the series. From time to time I will post further prints and paintings, as time allows. The edition for this print is only 2. Further details: type - Etching, aquatint, printed on archival 100% rag paper, size = 18.5 x 13.0 cm.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


This is a poster for Design Elements & Principles. The design brief is to produce a poster (advertisement) promoting a product of one's choice. I choose my local art gallery called GiG.

Friday, April 13, 2007


A short video that I put together by playing around with a drawing program. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


This is a podcast related to the mind map below. From now on I will be presenting regular podcasts monthly on a variety of news and opinions.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Audio report mindmap

Here is a mind map to illustrate my ideas for an audio report.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


This is my second experimental video. The image is a fractal composed on Apophesis by Anthony Klyza (http://monochromatic-stains.deviantart.com. I used the image in photoshop and manipulated it using Photofiltre. Enjoy.

Friday, March 30, 2007


This PowerPoint presentation looks at bank sites within Australia, with the view to understanding what elements of design add or subtract towards a good Web site and conversely a bad site.

Listen to some Early Renaissance Music whilst you view the Slide Show. Giutarist is Jon Sales. The music is German, called: Die Katzenpfote. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Design and development of concepts can be enhanced with the use of audio. In the post below I presented a mind-mapping exercise regarding concepts for a construction company's banner. Here I present a recorded interview with the client in order to get an endorsement of the design concept before commencing its development and implementation.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mind Mapping - Banner

Mind Mapping enables in a meandering, yet concise way, a method of outlining one's ideas, thus allowing the ability to pick the best strategy to achieve the given brief. The photograph illustrates the process undertaken to design a banner for a large construction company's blog.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


My first experimental video. As an artist I am interested in colour. I designed the art work in photoshop and captured each frame using hue, contrast etc. Each frame was composed in windows movie maker. Enjoy

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Monthly Quote

This months inspirational quote: The delight of creative work lies in self-discovery: you are mining nuggets of power out of your own cosmos, and the find comes as a great and glad surprise. [Elbert Hubbard]

Friday, March 16, 2007

Archibald Prize-2007 winner John Beard

2007 Archibald Prize winner
John Beard
Janet Laurence

Just a short review of this years Archibald Portrait Prize. In broad terms, the Archibald and its cousins the Wynne and Sulman prizes were a disappointment. However, this year's worthy winner is an exception. John Beard (a disciplined and mature artist with a lifetime of devotion to his art) continues to paint his artist friends. His portrait of Janet Laurence continues to exploit the contrast between oil paint and encaustic in a deliberately limit pallette of black and white colour relationships. It is an insightful and engrossing work, rooted in direct observation, yet never losing a sense of mystery. The painting requires examination from a certain distance to appreciate the subtle nuances of black on black colours imbedded within the shadows. This black on black affects the overall atmosphere of the painting by suffusing the canvas in an all-encompassing colour-light that suggests a dominant blue tonality. Beard demonstrates skill and sensitivity, he has managed to penetrate below the surface and lay bare the underlying gentle aura of melancholy and isolation of his sitter.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Design Concept for a Jeep Brochure

The steps in the process for this design are as follows: member of a small team which brain stormed various ideas aimed towards sport people. Each member picked the best concept and various sketchs were developed, and discussed. Each member than developed that idea in photoshop. This is my concept that I hope conveys the brief.

Please click below to listen to a description of my concept for this ad.

Link to Word Document

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

TAFE Poster Project

The ideas behind this poster: My key word was 'Foundation'. This word implies a strong base to build on, and therefore, by implication equates with TAFE policy. The tower suggests step by step progress upon the foundation, both, foundation and tower are dependent on each other. The final step is the font type and arrangement. I believe that the finished poster conveys a strong message i.e. that Digital Media studies at TAFE becomes the focus of a strong foundation to one's future.

Please click below to listen to a description of my concept for this ad.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Creativity Quote

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual- Arthur Koestler


Thursday, February 15, 2007


Welcome to my site